3-5 November 2019
In conjunction with the GEO Week 2019
4-9 November 2019
National Convention Centre
31 Constitution Avenue
Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia
About the Eighth Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM-AP
The three-day Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM-AP is hosted in Canberra by the Australian Government and it is the first Plenary Meeting under the Presidency of Australia and since UNESCAP took over the secretariat function.
The Meeting provides an opportunity for members to discuss global and regional perspectives on the latest topics of geospatial information, as well as the implications of the Asia-Pacific Plan of Action on Space Applications for Sustainable Development (2018-2030).
The Working Groups on ‘Geodetic Reference Frame’, ‘Cadastre and Land Management’, and ‘Integrating Geospatial Information and Statistics’ will meet on the first day. On the other days, participants will have the opportunity to join sessions on the topics of the Working Groups, as well as on the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
GEO Week 2019
The Eighth Plenary Meeting will be run in conjunction with the GEO Week 2019.
We encourage UN-GGIM-AP members to consider extending their stay to participate in the GEO Week Industry Track events on Wednesday 6 November and Thursday 7 November.
Information on the GEO Week 2019 can be found here.
About Canberra
Canberra is the capital city of Australia and the Seat of Government, where many of Australians key institutions are located. Canberra means ‘meeting place’ in the local aboriginal language. For 20,000 years, the Indigenous Ngunnawal community has called Canberra home. Today, Canberra is a dynamic and modern city that provides plenty of opportunities for delegates to interact socially while experiencing Australia’s natural beauty and relaxed culture.
For more information consult the website of Visit Canberra.
Day 1: Sunday 3 November 2019 | Torrens, Swan and Murray Rooms | |
9:00 | Registration |
9:30 |
Parallel Meetings of the UN-GGIM-AP Working Groups (2018-2021)
Working Group 1
Geodetic Reference Frame Torrens Room Working Group 2
Cadastre and Land Management Swan Room Working Group 3
Integrating Geospatial Information and Statistics Murray Room |
10:35–11:00 | Morning Tea |
12:00–13:30 | Lunch | Derment Room |
15:00–15:30 | Afternoon Tea |
17:00 | End of Session |
17:30 | Drinks and Canapés Reception | The Crown Plaza |
Day 2: Monday 4 November 2019 | Exhibition Hall | |
8:15 | Registration |
8:45 | Plenary Welcome Welcome to Country |
8:50 | Session 1: Opening and Reports Andy Barnicoat, President of UN-GGIM-AP |
Agenda Item 1 Confirmation of Agenda Andy Barnicoat, President of UN-GGIM-AP |
9:00 | Agenda Item 2 Report from UN-GGIM-AP Secretariat Verena Kausche, UNESCAP |
9:10 | Agenda Item 3 Liaison Report from UN-GGIM Greg Scott, UN-GGIM |
Liaison Report from UNESCAP Tae Hyung Kim, UNESCAP |
9:30 | Session 2: Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) Chair: Greg Scott, UN-GGIM |
Agenda Item 4 IGIF Overview Greg Scott, UN-GGIM |
10:10 | Moderated Discussion |
10:30 | Group Photo and Morning Tea |
11:00 | Rosamond Bing, Tonga |
11:20 | Kathrine Kelm, World Bank |
11:40 | Tsevelsodnom Gankhuu, Mongolia |
12:00 | Moderated Discussion: The Global Consultation |
12:30 | Lunch | Derment Room |
13:30 | Session 3: Working Group 1 on Geodetic Reference Frame Chair: Basara Miyahara, Japan |
Agenda Item 5 Report from UN-GGIM-AP Working Group 1 Basara Miyahara, Chair WG 1 |
13:50 | Report on Asia-Pacific Reference Frame (APREF) Guorong Hu, Australia |
14:10 | Agenda Item 6 Report from UN-GGIM Sub-Committee on Geodesy Nick Brown, Australia |
14:30 | Panel Discussion: Geodetic reference frame: opportunities and challenges
Hasanuddin Z Abidin, Indonesia
Jay Hyoun Kwon, Republic of Korea Rob Sarib, Chair of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) |
15:15 | Afternoon Tea |
15:45 | Session 4: Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Chair: Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Indonesia |
Agenda Item 7 Oki Shoichi, Japan |
16:05 | Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Indonesia |
16:25 | Craig Arthur, Australia |
16:45 | TBD, Bangladesh |
17:05 | Discussion |
17:30 | End of Session |
19:00 | Dinner | The Deck at Regatta Point |
Day 3: Tuesday 5 November 2019 | Exhibition Hall | |
9:00 | Session 5: Working Group 3 on Integrating Geospatial Information and Statistics (IGIS) Chair: Antonius B. Wijanarto, Indonesia |
Agenda Item 8 Report from UN-GGIM-AP Working Group 3 Antonius B. Wijanarto, Chair WG 3 |
9:15 | Fujimura Hidenori, Japan |
9:30 | Daniel Clarke, UNESCAP Statistic Division |
9:45 | Martin Brady, Co-Chair UN-GGIM Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information |
10:00 | Pakorn Petchprayoon, Thailand |
10:15 | Discussion |
10:30 | Morning Tea |
11:00 | Session 6: Working Group 2 on Cadastre and Land Management Chair: Taikjin Kim, Republic of Korea |
Agenda Item 9 Report from UN-GGIM-AP Working Group 2 Taikjin Kim, Chair WG 2 |
11:20 | Rohan Bennett, UN-GGIM Expert Group on Land Administration and Management |
11:35 | Kheng Peng Soh, Singapore |
11:50 | Discussion |
12:10 | Lunch | Derment Room UN-GGIM-AP Executive Board Meeting — Working Lunch | Fitzroy Room |
13:40 | Session 7: Sustainable Development Goals Chair: Rosamond Bing, Tonga |
Agenda Item 10 Shu Peng, China |
14:00 | Luke Brown, Australia |
14:20 | Rosamond Bing, Tonga |
14:40 | Discussion |
15:00 | Afternoon Tea |
15:30 | Session 8: Joint UN-GGIM-AP and Asia-Oceania GEO Session Chair: Tiziana Bonapace, UNESCAP |
Agenda Item 11 David Hudson, AOGEO Co-Chair |
15:50 | Andy Barnicoat, President of UN-GGIM-AP |
16:05 | Anond Snidvongs, Thailand |
16:20 | Discussion |
16:30 | Session 9: UN-GGIM-AP Resolution |
Agenda Item 12 UN-GGIM-AP Resolution UN-GGIM-AP Secretariat, Verena Kausche |
17:00 | Agenda Item 13 Announcement of the Ninth Plenary Meeting Handover of the UN-GGIM-AP flag to the next host Remarks by Indonesia, host of the Ninth Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM-AP Arief Syafi’i, Indonesia |
17:15 | Closing Remarks: President of UN-GGIM-AP Andy Barnicoat, President of UN-GGIM-AP |
17:30 | End of Session |
Please see GEO Week Logistics for information about visiting Canberra, including special-rate accommodation, and the venue National Convention Centre Canberra.
All visitors to Australia must have valid visas, please see your visa options. For a general invitation letter please email the UN-GGIM-AP Secretariat. For a specific invitation letter please email the meeting host Geoscience Australia.
- Agenda_Eight Plenary Meeting UN-GGIM-AP (1.03 MB)
- Agenda_WG1 Meeting (206.98 KB)
- Agenda_WG2 Meeting (245.62 KB)
- Agenda_WG3 Meeting (220.67 KB)
- Resolution_Eighth Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM-AP (460.95 KB)
- Session 1_1 Verena Kausche_ UN-GGIM-AP Secretariat Report.pdf (1.28 MB)
- Session 1_3 Tae Hyung Kim_ESCAP Liaison Report.pdf (1.01 MB)
- Session 2_1 Greg Scott_UN-GGIM_IGIF.pdf (6.25 MB)
- Session 2_2 Rosamond Bing_Operationalizing IGIF for Tonga.pdf (2.03 MB)
- Session 2_3 Kathrine Kelm_World Bank_IGIF.pdf (2.47 MB)
- Session 2_4 Tsevelsodnom Gankhuu_Mongolia_IGIF.pdf (9.09 MB)
- Session 3_1 Basara Miyahara_WG1 Report.pdf (1.11 MB)
- Session 3_2 Guorong Hu_APREF.pdf (2.04 MB)
- Session 3_3 Nick Brown_UN-GGIM Subcommittee on Geodesy.pdf (1.14 MB)
- Session 3_4.1 Hasan Abidin_GRF Indonesia - Opportunities and Challenges.pdf (2.69 MB)
- Session 3_4.2 Jay Hyoun Kim_Height Unification.pdf (573.19 KB)
- Session 3_4.3 Rob Sarib_FIG_CD-Challenges&Opportunities.pdf (846.15 KB)
- Session 4_1 Oki Shoichi_Japan_SFDRR.pdf (3.86 MB)
- Session 4_2 Hasan Abidin_Indonesia_Sendai Framework.pdf (10.3 MB)
- Session 4_3 Craig Arthur_Australia_Support for Sendai Framework.pdf (1.32 MB)
- Session 4_4 Muniruzzaman_Bangladesh_Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.pdf (7.94 MB)
- Session 5_1 Antonius Wijanarto_WG3 Report.pdf (240.69 KB)
- Session 5_2 Martin Brady_ISGI Progress.pdf (2.86 MB)
- Session 5_3 Fujimura Hidenori_Japan_United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit.pdf (4.86 MB)
- Session 5_4 Daniel Clarke_UNESCAP Statistic Division.pdf (2.51 MB)
- Session 5_5 Pakorn_Thailand_Monitoring Health and Yield of Rice.pdf (5.25 MB)
- Session 6_1 Taikjin Kim_WG2 Report.pdf (486.52 KB)
- Session 6_2 Rohan Bennett_UN-GGIM Land Administration and Management.pdf (10.91 MB)
- Session 6_3 Kheng Peng Soh_Singapore_Overview Cadastre.pdf (1.9 MB)
- Session 7_1 Shu Peng_From Local SDGs Profile to Decision Making China’s Practice.pdf (6.95 MB)
- Session 7_2 Luke Brown_From Global to Local - implementing the NDRRF.pdf (1.4 MB)
- Session 7_3 Rosamond Bing_Tonga_SDG14 - Life below water.pdf (599.82 KB)
- Session 8_1 David Hudson_Asia-Oceania GEO.pdf (3.31 MB)
- Session 8_2 Andy Barnicoat_UN-GGIM-AP_GEO session.pdf (1.07 MB)
- Session 8_3 Anond Snidvongs_Thailand GISTDA_Joint UNGGIM-AP & AOGEO.pdf (1.01 MB)
- WG1_S1A_1 Basara Miyahara_Report WG1.pdf (1.16 MB)
- WG1_S1A_2 Nick Brown_How to develop a modern GRS.pdf (4.12 MB)
- WG1_S1B_1 John Dawson_ITRF-APREF.pdf (5.32 MB)
- WG1_S1B_2 Graeme Blick_Modernising a Geodetic Datum.pdf (2.47 MB)
- WG1_S1B_3 Basara Miyahara_Unified Height.pdf (1.66 MB)
- WG1_S1C_1 John Dawson_The Importance of Positioning_Videos.pdf (2.65 MB)
- WG1_S2A_1 Allison Craddock_UN SCoG ETCB and IGIF.pdf (3.65 MB)
- WG1_S2A_2 Rob Sarib_FIG Asia Pacific_Capacity Development & Planning.pdf (3.58 MB)
- WG1_S2A_3 Chris Rizos_The Future-NPI 2.0.pdf (8.63 MB)
- WG1_S2B_1 Othman Al-Kherayef_UN-GGIM Arab States WG on Geodetic Reference Frame.pdf (990.67 KB)
- WG1_S2B_2 Arief Syafii_Indonesia_Geodetic Reference Frame.pdf (3.49 MB)
- WG1_S2B_3 Rouf Howlader_Geodetic Infrastructure and Reference Frame of Bangladesh.pdf (3.22 MB)
- WG1_S2B_4 Tonga_Geodetic Modernisation Through IGIF.pdf (951.02 KB)
- WG2_2A Tae Hyung Kim_ESCAP_Geo Land Project.pdf (824.66 KB)
- WG2_2B Taikjin Kim_WG2 Key Activities.pdf (1018.89 KB)
- WG2_3A Ung Yong Park_WG2 Work Plan.pdf (1.37 MB)
- WG2_5A Rohan Bennett_Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA).pdf (10.9 MB)
- WG2_5B Kathrine Kelm_World Bank_IGIF-Land Administration.pdf (3.74 MB)
- WG2_5C Gundegmaa Chinzorig_Mongolia_Land Cadaster Database System.pdf (5.85 MB)
- WG2_7A Derick Tan_Singapore_Digital Smart Cadastre.pdf (4.99 MB)
- WG2_7B Byung Yong Kwak_A Digital Twin-based Approach for Land Administration.pdf (5.01 MB)
- WG2_8C Ian Harper_Future Spatial Management of Cadastre.pdf (1.15 MB)
- WG2_8D Daniel Paez_FIG_Disruptive Geospatial Technologies.pdf (9.19 MB)
- WG3_2.1 Greg Scott_IGIF.pdf (2 MB)
- WG3_2.2 Daniel Clarke_UNESCAP_Geospatial and Statistical Integration.pdf (3.98 MB)
- WG3_2.2 Martin Brady_UN Expert Group for the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information.pdf (2.7 MB)
- WG3_3.1 Peng Shu_Best Practices of Geo-Statistics Integration – China Experience.pdf (10.28 MB)
- WG3_3.2 Hidenori Fujimura_Japan_Principle 4 of GSGF through UN Vector Tile Toolkit.pdf (14.93 MB)