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Working Group 3: Integrating Geospatial Information and Statistics

Working Group 3 on Integrating Geospatial Information and Statistics aims to integrate statistic and spatial data to monitor targets and indicators of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Mr. Seyed Eskandar Seydayei
Mr. Seyed Eskandar Seydayei

Mr. Seyed Eskandar Seydayei

Islamic Republic of Iran

Director General
National Cartographic Center

[email protected]


Mr. Peng Shu
Mr. Peng Shu

Mr. Peng Shu


Senior Engineer, Department of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
National Geomatics Center of China
Ministry of Natural Resources of People’s Republic of China

[email protected]
Mr Shailesh Kumar Sinha
Mr Shailesh Kumar Sinha

Mr Shailesh Kumar Sinha


Deputy Surveyor General
Survey of India

[email protected]
Mr. Dheny Trie Wahyu Sampurno
Mr. Dheny Trie Wahyu Sampurno

Mr. Dheny Trie Wahyu Sampurno


Senior Mapping Surveyor
Geospatial Information Agency of Indonesia

[email protected]
Mr. Hidenori Fujimura
Mr. Hidenori Fujimura

Mr. Hidenori Fujimura


Director, Planning Division, Geospatial Information Department
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan

[email protected]
Sr Siti Zainun binti Mohamad
Sr Siti Zainun binti Mohamad

Sr Siti Zainun binti Mohamad


Divisional Director of Survey, National Geospatial Database Division
Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia

[email protected]
Ms. Bayarmaa Enkhtur
Ms. Bayarmaa Enkhtur

Ms. Bayarmaa Enkhtur


Head, Geospatial Information and Technology Department
Agency for Land Administration and Management, Geodesy and Cartography (ALAMGC)

[email protected]
Mr. Jeon Bu-nam
Mr. Jeon Bu-nam

Mr. Jeon Bu-nam

Republic of Korea (the)

Deputy Director, National Geographic Data Monitoring Department
National Geographic Information Institute
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

[email protected]