Second UN-GGIM-AP Plenary Meeting
2nd Meeting of UN-GGIM-AP
28-30 October 2013
Teheran, Iran
List of Documents
- Announcement letter [PDF 271KB]
- Invitation Letter from Director of NCC [PDF 244KB]
- Information Note [PDF 161KB]
Meeting Documents
- Record of Proceedings [PDF 327KB]
- Agenda of the Meeting [PDF 480KB]
- Welcome Address
- Dr. Li Pengde, UN-GGIM-AP President [PDF 284KB]
- Mr. Mahmoud Ilkhan, Director, NCC, Islamic Republic of Iran [PDF 283KB]
- UN-GGIM-AP Executive Report [PDF 823KB]
- Report on the Third Session of UN-GGIM [PDF 179KB]
- Report on the Outcomes of Recent UN-GGIM Related Conferences [PDF 333KB]
- Report from Liaison Organizations
- EuroGeographics [PDF 669KB]
- Presentation on the Main Theme: NGIAs' roles in successful disaster response
- Iran [PDF 2921KB]
- Indonesia [PDF 3941KB]
- Azerbaijan [PDF 862KB]
- Korea [PDF 2667KB]
- Mongolia [PDF 1062KB]
- Fiji [PDF 3826KB]
- Japan [PDF 1479KB]
- Presentation on the Sub Theme: The latest of spatial web services provided by NGIAs
- Malaysia [PDF 728KB]
- Brunei [PDF 355KB]
- China [PDF 5011KB]
- Reports and Discussions on WG activities
- WG1: Geodetic Reference Frame for Sustainable Development [Report PDF 1088KB] [PPT PDF 738KB]
- WG2: Data Sharing and Integration for Disaster Management [Report PDF 1276KB] [PPT PDF 2453KB]
- WG3: Place-Based Management for Economic Growth [Report PDF 884KB] [PPT PDF 794KB]
- Plenary Meeting in 2014 [PDF 1483KB]
- Resolutions [PDF 316KB]
- List of Participants [PDF 262KB]
- Template for Main-theme [PPT 308KB]
- Template for Sub-theme [PPT 302KB]
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